Brewing technique of Jiugui Liquor

Jul Fri 2024
The brewing technique of Jiugui Liquor has a long history. According to archaeological evidence from the north of the Youshui River basin in Western Hunan and a large number of historical documents, Jiugui Liquor can date back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period and started to take shape in the Qin and Han dynasties.

It was basically formed in the Tang and Song dynasties and reached perfection in the Ming and Qing dynasties. For thousands of years, it has been the representative of folk technique of making liquor with the most popular, the deepest influence, the most perfect process and the best taste of ethnic minorities in Western Hunan.

The brewing technique of Jiugui Liquor is called “firing the liquor” by the folks, which mainly uses glutinous sorghum that is planted on high mountains and high-quality mountain spring as raw materials. A kind of ancient pot is used as a traditional brewing tool, taking full advantage of the rich microbial environment. The brewing technology is about the process of “steaming and firing”. The superb brewing techniques in cellar mud making, cultivation of distiller’s yeast, brewing of unfiltered liquor, cellar storage, and scientific blending are unique in today’s liquor industry.

The brewing technique of Jiugui Liquor is a traditional folk craft, which implies the local culture in a special way, manifests the culture of different periods and demonstrates the creativity of Chinese culture. It is also the epitome of the social development process of the Tujia and Miao areas in Western Hunan. 
Jiugui Liquor brewing technique plays an important role in the whole Chinese craft culture and has won many international and domestic industry awards, which is of positive significance to witness the Chinese wine culture. Furthermore, the brewing technique of Jiugui Liquor has significant national symbols, which have special value to the identity and cohesion of ethnic minority areas.

The brewing technique of Jiugui Liquor in Western Hunan not only boasts a long history, but also has created the profound wine culture in Western Hunan in its long history, which is an important part of the colorful intangible culture.
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